Maintenance will prolong the service life of the car, improve the safety performance

Maintenance will prolong the service life of the car, improve the safety performance, save money and remove many car repair troubles. However, nowadays, the concept of “repair for insurance” still exists in the driver team, because of the lack of insurance or improper maintenance caused by traffic accidents frequently occur. Therefore, timely and correct maintenance of the car is an important part of extending the service life of the car and ensuring driving safety.
Usually said car maintenance, mainly from the maintenance of good technical condition of the car, to extend the service life of the car work. In fact, it also includes car beauty care and other knowledge. In summary, there are mainly three aspects:
First, car body maintenance. Body maintenance is also used to call car beauty. The main purpose is to remove all kinds of oxidation and corrosion outside and inside the vehicle, and then protect it. It mainly includes: car paint maintenance, cushion carpet maintenance, bumper, car skirt maintenance, instrument platform maintenance, electroplating processing maintenance, leather plastic maintenance, tire, hub warranty, windshield maintenance, chassis maintenance, engine appearance maintenance.
Two. car maintenance. To ensure that the car is in the best technical condition. It mainly includes: lubrication system, fuel system, cooling system, braking system, carburetor (nozzle) maintenance, etc.
Three. car body renovation. Such as deep scratch diagnosis, management, multi-material bumper repair, hub (cover) repair, leather, chemical fiber material renovation, engine color renovation.
Car maintenance is divided into regular maintenance and non-regular maintenance two major categories. Regular maintenance: daily maintenance, primary maintenance, secondary maintenance;
Non – periodic maintenance: run – in period maintenance and seasonal maintenance. The main work of car maintenance is nothing more than cleaning, inspection, fixing, adjustment and lubrication.
The following simple introduction to car maintenance common sense, hope to provide you with some help.
1. Common sense of oil replacement
How often is the oil changed? How much oil should I change each time? On the replacement cycle and consumption of oil is a matter of special concern, the most direct is to check their own vehicle maintenance manual, which is generally very clear. But there are a lot of people whose maintenance manuals are long gone, at this time you need to know more about it. Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of oil is 5000 kilometers, and the specific replacement cycle and consumption should be judged according to the relevant information of the model.
2. Maintenance of brake oil
The maintenance of brake oil should be timely. When checking the replacement of brake pads, brake discs and other hardware, do not forget to see whether the brake oil needs to be replaced. Otherwise, there will be oil performance reduction, poor braking effect, and easy to cause dangerous accidents.
3.battery maintenance
Battery maintenance should pay attention to the time and battery performance, whether the battery liquid is insufficient? Is the battery heating abnormal? Is the battery shell damaged? Neglecting battery maintenance will cause the vehicle to fail to start or run properly.
4. Cleaning and maintenance of gearbox (automatic variable speed wave box)
Under normal circumstances, the car is cleaned and maintained once every 20000km ~ 25000km, or when the gearbox slips, the water temperature is high, the shift is slow and the system leaks. Remove harmful sludge and paint film deposits, restore the elasticity of the gasket and O-ring, make the transmission shift smoothly, improve power output, and completely replace the old automatic transmission oil.
5. battery maintenance inspection
Check whether the battery is fixed firmly, the electrolyte should be between the upper limit and the lower limit, close to the line should be timely added electrolyte or distilled water to the high line. Keep positive and negative battery cables in good contact, and keep batteries clean and dry. For vehicles placed for a long time, remove the positive and negative cables of the battery, reconnect the starting engine about 20 minutes after about half a month, and charge it in time if the power is obviously insufficient.
6. Cleaning and maintenance of braking system
Clean and maintain the car once every 50000km, or in case of premature ABS reaction, too slow cleaning and maintenance. Remove the harmful mud paint film in the system, remove the danger of working failure at ultra-high temperature or ultra-low temperature, effectively prevent the deterioration of brake fluid expired, completely replace the old brake fluid
7. spark plug inspection
Normal spark plug insulation ceramic intact. There is no rupture leakage phenomenon, spark plug gap 0.8+-0.0mm discharge, the spark is blue, strong. If any abnormality is found, adjust the clearance or replace the spark plug.
8.tire inspection
Monthly tire pressure should be checked at room temperature, if lower than the normal standard should be timely added tire pressure. The air pressure should not be too high or too low, otherwise it will affect the safety of driving.
Difference between maintenance and repair
(1) Different operational technical measures. Maintenance is based on planning and prevention, and is usually carried out compulsively. Repairs are scheduled as needed.
(2) Different operation time. Maintenance is usually done before a vehicle breaks down. And repairs are usually done after a vehicle breaks down.
(3) The purpose of the operation is different.
Maintenance is usually to reduce the wear rate of parts, prevent failure, prolong the service life of the car; The repair usually repairs the parts and assemblies that fail or lose the ability to work, restores the good technical condition and working ability of the car, and extends the service life.
Common misconception
List: The more oil, the better. If there is too much oil, the crankshaft handle and connecting rod of the engine will produce severe agitation when working, which not only increases the internal power loss of the engine, but also increases the oil splashing on the cylinder wall, resulting in burning and discharging oil failure. Therefore, the amount of oil should be controlled in the oil gauge between the upper and lower lines.
The tighter the belt, the better. The pump and generator of the automobile engine are driven by triangular belts. If the belt adjustment is too tight, easy to stretch deformation, at the same time, pulley and bearing easy to cause bending and damage. The tightness of the belt should be adjusted to press the middle of the belt, and the subsidence is 3% to 5% of the center distance between the two ends of the belt wheel.
The tighter the bolt, the better. There are a lot of fasteners connected with bolts and nuts on the automobile, which should be guaranteed to have enough pretightening force, but not too tight. If the screw is too tight, on the one hand, the coupling will produce permanent deformation under the action of external force; On the other hand, it will make the bolt produce tensile permanent deformation, preload decreases, and even cause the phenomenon of slipping or breaking.

Post time: Mar-20-2023